

Omišalj is one of the oldest towns on Krk situated in the north-westerly part of the island at 85 meters above sea level. Once an important Glagolitic center, the heart of the old town boasts cultural and historic attractions that attract numerous tourists. Most frequently the tour of Omišalj starts at the Lapidarium - a collection of stone monuments providing an integral insight into Omišalj’s history. Omišalj offers a variety of accommodation, including hotels, campsites and private rentals. There are plenty of things to do here and enjoying the local restaurant offer is certainly one of the most favorite ways to relax and enjoy.
Interesting events take place in summer, many of which are rooted in tradition and old customs.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Omišalj Municipality


Njivice was once a small fishing village. Today it is a modern seaside town but fishing nets, fishing boats and crates full of fish are always a lovely sight. The first hotel was built in 1930 (today’s Jadran hotel), as was Villa Dinka, and that was how Njivice embraced tourism. Owing to rich tradition, modern accommodation facilities and excellent fish and Mediterranean products Njivice have many loyal guests.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Omišalj Municipality



Malinska is one of the top destinations on Krk. Situated in the westerly part of the island Krk known as Dubašnica, it used to be the principal export point for timber and the favorite tourist destination of Viennese aristocracy. With the arrival of steamships in 1866 Malinska developed into a climatic health resort owing to its mild climate with approximately 260 sunny days per year.
Malinska is a popular destination offering hotel, private and campsite accommodation. Gastronomy is based on typically Mediterranean ingredients – fish, vegetables and olive oil. In summer there are concerts, fish and seafood festivals, exhibitions and activities for every type of traveler.
Not far from Malinska is Porat, once a fishing village and today a quiet little town that lives on tourism. Glagolitic priests reside here in a Franciscan monastery, which includes a museum with a collection of sacral artifacts, precious exhibits and a testimony to local customs. Adjacent to the monastery is St. Mary Magdalene’s.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Malinska Municipality

Best small towns to visit: Bogovići, Kremenići, Maršići, Milčetići, Milovčići, Porat, Sveti Anton, Sveti Vid-Miholjice, Vantačići, Žgombići


The Town of Krk


The town of Krk is the main town of the island of Krk. Homer mentioned Krk in his epics, while the Romans called it Splendissima Civitas Curictarum or “the splendid town of Krk”. The town simply exudes history. Its old world allure and long tradition in tourism make it a great holiday destination.  Krk hotels, campsites and privately owned accommodations offer comfortable accommodation and its narrow streets have a range of surprises in store for you.

For more information please visit:

Town of Krk Tourist Board

Best small towns to visit: Brzac, Kornić, Linardići, Milohnići, Pinezići, Skrbčići, Vrh



Punat is one of more recently established towns on the island of Krk, located on the eastern coast of Punat Bay along a 3km long and 2km wide stretch of coast. Previously Punat was part of the town of Krk and Vrbnik, the area that has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Prehistoric sites are present throughout the area and archaeological findings show evidence of Illyrian, Greek and Roman culture. According to legend, in Roman times there was a bridge across the narrow entry to Punat Bay leading to the town of Krk and various records show that during the rule of the Dukes of Krk permanent settlers came to guard the access to the bridge and Punat Bay. Throughout history Punat shared the destiny of other places on the island and in addition to agriculture and stockbreeding its inhabitants lived on fishing and shipbuilding. Austria and Croatia established a steamship company here in 1906 and their first steamship, the Frankopan, operated between Punat and the mainland.

Today Punat is one of the biggest nautical centers in Croatia and the insular center of olive growing. To speak of Punat without mentioning the islet of Košljun is impossible, since Punat and Košljun have been dependent upon each other for centuries. Franciscan priests and Punat are closely related. Therefore, each visitor should visit Košljun. Boats operated by barkajoli depart non-stop and it is only a nice 10-minute ride to the islet. Although only 750 meters from Punat and linked to this town for centuries the islet of Košljun administratively belongs to the town of Krk.

The coastline of the islet covered in luscious greenery hardly exceeds one thousand meters and the highest point is only 6 meters above sea level. Some 540 species of mushrooms and plants have been registered here (almost half the number registered in the entire United Kingdom). The islet is home to a Franciscan monastery holding valuable historic and cultural items preserved by priests over the centuries.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Punat Municipality

Visiting tip: Stara Baška



The Baška area on the south-easterly end of the island is exceptional due to its many peculiarities. Climbing from Punat Bay, across the slopes of Treskavac to 330 meters above sea level (with the highest island peak Obzova rising to 570 meters) one suddenly comes across the valley of Baška. This walk is truly one worth taking because one is never prepared for such beauty that can be seen only where the mountains meet the sea.
Exactly here around 1100 AD Bašćanska ploča (Baška tablet), a kind of certificate of baptism of the Croats, was created.

Baška is known for one of the biggest and most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic coast stretching for 1800 m. This lovely shingly beach with sandy shallow water areas is ideal for non-swimmers and children. The old town’s narrow streets with houses built close to one another evoke its rich Mediterranean past.

In addition to its marvelous beach, Baška is interesting for unique architecture, cultural and historic monuments and the surrounding footpaths. Accommodation facilities include hotels, campsites and private houses.

The origins of tourism date back to the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Society for Town Embellishment was established in 1904. Two years later the first hotel was opened and in 1908 followed the construction of the first public beach. The Czechs were the first guests and they have remained loyal visitors ever since. These tourists came thanks to Prague newspaper Narodna politika (National Politics) director Emil Geistlich, who was a loyal visitor and spread the word about the beauty of this area. Today he has a monument built in his honor near the beach.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Baška Municipality

Best small towns to visit: Batomalj, Draga Bašćanska, Jurandvor




Vrbnik is undoubtedly one of the best known areas in Croatia. It owes its reputation to the rich Glagolitic heritage and a famous folk song Vrbniče nad morem (Vrbnik above the sea). Like many old clifftop castles, Vrbnik is situated on a promontory at almost 50 meters above sea level. Vrbnik and Šilo in Dobrinjština are the most notable attractions on the eastern coast of the island of Krk. It was mentioned for the first time in 1100 AD. Over the centuries its inhabitants mostly lived on agriculture, trade and fishing.
Today the best known product indigenous to Vrbnik is the golden yellow Žlahtina wine, popular in Croatia and abroad. Before it acquired fame, cereal crops were cultivated in the plain to feed the families that at the time used to be more numerous than nowadays. Grapes were grown along the plain's edge since there was no market and the wine was produced for private use only. Vrbnik is still mostly just a day-trip destination, which is one of its advantages, although private rooms and apartments are available for rent and there is a hotel in Vrbnik as well.

Owing to its rich history Vrbnik is regarded as the cradle of Croatian literacy and it certainly is one of the oldest settlements on the island of Krk. Narrow streets prevail here and Vrbnik is home to the narrowest street in the world. Blaž Baromić, the founder of the first known Glagolitic printing press who greatly contributed to the Croatian cultural heritage, was born in Vrbnik and a monument has been erected here in his honor.

For more information please visit: 

Tourist Board of the Vrbnik Municipality

Best small towns to visit:  Garica, Risika




Dobrinj is located on the eastern side of the island on a 200-meter-high hill. Its castle used to be the area’s literacy center and the local parish church of St. Stephen was first mentioned in the early 12th century. There is a series of documents and Glagolitic inscriptions testifying about Dobrinj as the center of Glagolitism at the time.
Dobrinjština has been pronouncedly agricultural for centuries. Stockbreeding was also represented, as well as olive growing and exploitation of forest resources. The locality is also known for its colorful apparels, folk manifestations, the sopele (Krk wind instrument) and excellent cuisine. Old stone houses and its narrow streets are filled with traces of history and there is a story around every corner.
Not far from Dobrinj there is a thrilling cave of stunning beauty hiding interesting forms. Biserujka is the only cave on the island, out of 50 other caves, suitable to receive visitors. Legend says the cave has been named Biserujka (biser = pearl) after a pirate treasure that was found hidden inside it.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Dobrinj Municipality

Best small towns to visit: Čižići, Gabonjin, Gostinjac, Hlapa, Klanice, Kras, Polje, Rasopasno, Soline, Sužan, Sveti Ivan Dobrinjski, Sveti Vid Dobrinjski, Tribulje, Županje


Šilo is a lovely town situated on the north-eastern part of the island, close to the Crikvenica Riviera (26 kilometers from the Krk Bridge). Today it is the tourist center of Dobrinjština but not so long ago it was primarily reliant on fishing and shipping industry. The first ferryboat on the Croatian side of the Adriatic operated between Šilo and Crikvenica.
Šilo celebrates its day on August 16th on the Feast Day of St. Rocco. The tradition originated in the mid-19th century, when the plague was rife in these areas. Šilo inhabitants, like many others, prayed to Saint Rocco to spare them from the plague. Today people still express gratitude to their saint with votive processions from Polje to St. Nicholas’s Church.
There are no hotels in Šilo. Accommodation is available in private rooms and apartments and at the campsite.

In addition to lovely pebble beaches with concrete areas there are numerous recreational facilities here. A Blue Flag is up on the pole at Pećine, the local sandy beach especially loved by children, and one of the popular attractions is the sunken Greek ship. The Peltastis is in the offshore zone not far from Šilo dive clubs usually take divers to enjoy its underwater exploration.

Today speedboats and small vessels carry passengers where ferryboat used to.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Dobrinj Municipality


Klimno is located on the eastern side of the island, only a pleasant ten-minute drive from the Krk Bridge. It is home to great seafood restaurants offering diverse menus and excellent house wine and the town also features lovely rental houses and private villas. The Bay of Klimno is where Klimno, Soline and Čižiće are located.

Soline is famous for its pre-Romanesque saltworks and lately it has been very popular with travelers. Meline, known for its curative mud, is situated between Soline and Čižići. The mentioned mud is used to treat arthritis so many people, satisfied with the results, are happy to return here. Čižići is nestled between the sea and lush vegetation.

Klimno is the biggest place in the bay and one of the oldest in the area. This is witnessed by St. Clément’s Chapel from 1381 bearing a Glagolitic inscription. Fans of the sea and sailing will feel comfortable in Klimno, as they have a wide array of conveniences at their disposal, including moorings and service shops.

For more information please visit:

Tourist Board of the Dobrinj Municipality

Map of Kvarner

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