
Trsat: Oldest Croatian Marian shrine


Trsat is part of the town of Rijeka. Together with the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Franciscan monastery it is the oldest Marian sanctuary in Croatia.

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Trsat is the oldest Croatian Marian shrine and destination for many pilgrims from the country and from abroad. The miraculous image of Mary is custodied there

Also, in the framework of the Franciscan monastery is the Chapel of votive gifts, while in front of the church stays the monument of Pope John Paul II, "The Pilgrim to Trsat" erected on occasion of his 100th world pilgrimage, when he visited Rijeka, Trsat and other Croatian towns and sanctuaries.

For more information please visit:

Trsatsko svetište

Look for the brochure „Pilgrimages to the sanctuaries“

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