Health services for tourists are provided by the public health institutions in the Kvarner Region. Additional information please find HERE.


A valid passport or some other identity document is required while staying in Croatia. Visitors are allowed to stay in the country for a period of three months.
At the request of a police officer, you are obligated to present a document that proves your identity. The loss of passport or another personal document must be reported to the nearest police station. The police will then issue an official report on the loss of the document.


If driving a vehicle, you are required to have a valid driver’s licence, vehicle registration certificate and green card (if you are a foreigner). All passengers in the vehicle must wear a seat belt. Drivers are forbidden to use mobile devices while driving (except for hand-free devices). Driving under the influence of alcohol (0.5 g/kg) and/or narcotics is also forbidden. Please obey the maximum speed limits and directions of police officers directing the traffic.
If you have a car accident, call the police by dialing 192. If necessary, call the emergency service by dialing 112. Do not leave the scene of the accident until the police arrive.
If the car accident involves material damage only, just call the police. You can also take a photo of the position of the vehicle, move it off the road, and wait until the police arrive. In the meantime, fill in the European Accident Statement.


Crime rates in Croatia are lower than in other European countries. However, let us remind you of several universal safety measures which could help protect you from becoming a crime victim:

- Make sure that you lock your vehicle and do not leave any valuables in sight (handbags, wallets, mobile phones, etc.).
- Do not leave your baggage unattended and do not keep all your personal documents and money in one place and/or unattended.
- While spending time on the beach, do not leave your personal items (cameras, vehicle keys, money, etc.) unattended.
- Be careful when withdrawing money from an ATM, especially late at night. Do not carry your PIN with you. Do not exchange money in the street.
- Do not expose a wallet with large amounts of money in public, and be especially careful while paying at markets, shopping centres, restaurants, cafés, etc.
- Do not let anyone play a trick on you: there is no limit to the number of devices the imposters will use in order to deceive you. Do not be credulous.
- All narcotics are illegal in Croatia and the possession and use of the same is subject to the Misdemeanour Act and the Criminal Code.

If you experience an inconvenience of any kind or notice that something is missing, please contact the police by dialing 192. If you notice that a person who has committed a criminal offence is running away, try to remember as many details as you can, including the person’s distinctive physical features. In doing so, you will help us find that person. For the purpose of protecting evidence, do not touch anything and do not move around the crime scene.




Let us remind you that:
-  any person operating a yacht or a boat in international maritime traffic that enters the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia is obligated to take the shortest route to the nearest port with a border crossing for the purpose of border control;
- while driving a speedboat, the distance from the coast must be at least 300 metres.
Do not drive speedboats in areas where it is not permitted to do so.
Do not sail at a distance of less than:
- 300 m from the coast if driving sport and recreational boats and crafts,
- 50 m from the coast if driving small motor vessels and sailing boats.
You must keep the boat:
- 50 m from the buoy barrier of a recreational beach,
- 150 m from the shore of a wild beach.

We advise you to contact a licensed diving centre for information about scuba-diving and other underwater activities. To ensure your personal safety, we recommend that you go on your underwater diving adventure with an instructor or a buddy diver. For sailing safety advice and information, contact the relevant Port Captaincy.


Please camp only in such places where camping is allowed. "Wild" camping is forbidden! It is forbidden to camp along the roads, on parking lots or hidden spots. It is forbidden to make fire in open areas and in the vicinity of forests. Please make sure that you put the cigarette butts and matches out, as they can start a fire if left burning.


The registered accommodation provider whose services you will be using (hotels, auto camps, marinas, private renters) is obligated to report your stay in the Republic of Croatia. For your comfort and for the purpose of being able to exercise of your rights, please check if you have been registered for the entire period of your stay, i.e. from the arrival until the departure date. If you arrange to be accommodated elsewhere or you own the place where you will be staying, you are required to register with the relevant tourist board in the place of your stay within 24 hours from entering the Republic of Croatia.


Emergency Call Centre 112: +385 112
Emergency Medical Services: +385 194
Road Assistance: +385 1987
Police: +385 192
Firefighters: +385 193
Croatian Mountain Rescue Services: +385 112
The National Maritime Rescue Coordination Center: +385 195
Kvarner Info „Vrata Jadrana“ (“Adriatic gGate” info point): +385 51 623 333, 628 888
Country code for Croatia and for Kvarner region: +385(0)51
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