Page 61 - Kvarner_galeb_EN.indd

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Island, sailing almost due north, across the Lošinj
The whole of the southern side of Cres is serrated
with a mass of bays, and if anyone wonders by
what criterion to pick one of them, we will answer
at once the one that dives deepest into the island.
And this is certainly Jadrišæica.
The eastern coast of Jadrišæica is fringed with
high rocks, and the rocks are edged by a pine
forest. Here there is a nudist paradise. And of
course, where there are naturists, there is often a
nice camp, as is the case here. It starts in Bokiniæ
Bay. If there is roomwe can tie up at the little jetty
at the head of which the depth is about twometres.
A small armof the sea runs in a hundredmetres or
so towards Pogana village, and at the end of it
there are several little jetties; however, their depth
does not recommend them. Only inside the main
pier, identifiable from its light (green) is the sea
about twometres deep. But however deep we have
sailed into this bay, if we hear that a sirocco is in
the offing, it is time to get out. Luckily though,
from the bora, which does not give so much
advance notice, we are quite well sheltered.
Sailing towards Osor, we have to be on our guard,
keeping a constant eye on the chart. The sea
around us is shallow and full of traps, and it is
thus best to round every point in a wide arc.
The western shoreline of Cres, with neighbouring
Lošinj making up the edge of the Lošinj Channel,
tempts us with a mass of bays too.
We will
mention only the biggest: Martinšæica and
Kaldonta. A mere look at the chart will tell us
that they are safe refuges from the bora, but only
one of them will protect us from the sirocco,
Kaldonta Bay.
Of the bigger places just before Osor, but now on
Lošinj again, Nerezine is quite a draw. It is
located just behind Artac Point. We are bound to
ask what it is that is floating in the sea. But it is not
The ingenious local people, to protect the point
better, prolonged it by sinking an iron lighter off
it. This is also one side of the entrance into the
shipyard, in which sailors can reckon on finding
high-quality and expert help from the owner. You
can tie up at the stone wharf of the shipyard, the
depth being about threemetres.