Pa sad, i ako trh svog ljudskog mesa
Već ćutim, ipak osjećaj mi osta,
Da jednom moram preko onog mosta,
Visoko, između vode i nebesa.
Vladimir Nazor
Graveyards are an inseparable part of our cities and villages,
a place permanently connected to life; a place of remembrance of those we knew and did not know, a place of peace and a place to think,
a confirmation of the values that last and never fade.
These are places which offer pilgrims and visitors a handful of the town’s history.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to visit the graveyards of Kvarner,
surrounded by stone walls, the walls of old monasteries, underneath
the churches and chapels, on the plateaus and meadows, standing out
with their tall cypress trees and bell towers. At one with the
landscape, they tell the tales of the numerous seamen, fishermen,
farmers, shepherds, craftsmen and noblemen, which give light to the
spiritual stories and destinies that are impressed in their own way in the wooden and steel crosses,
the carved stone tablets, graves and mausoleums...Every local from the coast, islands and mountains of this region
will direct you to his local graveyard and tell you all the reasons and stories that make this graveyard
worth seeing. Among the various graveyards, the graveyards mentioned
below stand out for the artistic creations and other ornamentation
Kozala and Trsat graveyards, Rijeka
Stands out for its architecture and sculptures of the historic
and art nouveau mausoleums and graves (19th/20th centuries).
Obviously, art nouveau was well accepted here (“feminized motifs, serpentines, soft shapes,
details of bizarre fauna and exotic flora”) and this expression
remained dominant until the 1940s.
The Gorup mausoleum (Kozala, 1882 work by I. Rendić), Vio-Baccarcich
(Kozala, 1889, work by G. Doriga and D. Barcaglije), Whitehead
family (Kozala, 1900, work by G. Zammatti), Ružić family (Trsat,
1907, work by I. Rendić), Steffula family (Kozala, 1905, work by G.
Mayer), the grave of the Haramija-Glažar-Depolo family (Trsat, 1907,
work by I. Rendić) and the Smokvina family grave (Zaspala Vestalnika,
Kozala, 1915, work by I. Rendić) are only some of the valuable
artistic creations at these Rijeka graveyards.
Info tel: 051/335 882
Saint Martin graveyard, Mali Lošinj
There are also various valuable artistic creations
at this graveyard for the final resting place of well-known Lošinj
seamen, captains and tradesmen. Behind the Church of Saint Martin
(15th century), there are several gravestones along the wall dating
back to earlier times, hand carved with national naive expressions.
Info tel: 051/231 547
Graveyard on Susak Island
The walled, white graveyard in the yellow-green landscape on the
Island of Susak is exceptionally impressive.
Info tel: 051/ 231 547
Saint John graveyard, Baška
This graveyard is worth due to its position next to the Church
of Saint John (around 1100) above Baška, and offering a view of
Bašćanksa draga and Plavnik Island.
Info tel: 051/856 817